Line Management, 1-2-1s and the Fika Alternative

1-2-1 meetings in line management are one-on-one discussions between a manager and their direct report, designed to check in, provide feedback, and guide professional development. However, with the evolving workplace dynamics, alternative techniques such as "Fika" have surfaced and are being adopted across various organizations.
The Value of 1-2-1 Meetings
1-2-1s are essential for effective line management as they build a strong foundation for transparent communication. These regular interactions help managers understand their direct report's perspective, learn about their tasks, objectives, challenges, and accomplishments, in order to offer assistance and mentoring. This strengthens the manager-employee relationship, builds trust, and fosters a positive work environment.
From the employee's point of view, 1-2-1s offer a safe space to share thoughts, raise concerns, and discuss career aspirations and areas of growth. They get the opportunity to receive individual attention from their managers, enhancing their engagement and motivation. In this setup, personalized feedback is also possible, enabling employees to understand where they stand and what they need to work on.
Exploring Fika – An Alternative Approach
Derived from Swedish culture, Fika is a break that's more about socializing than merely drinking coffee and eating cake, although this combo sounds pretty awesome to be honest! It emphasizes taking time off from the work routine to connect with colleagues on a personal level. Organizations around the world have started to incorporate Fika into their culture as an alternative, or at least addition, to traditional 1-2-1 meetings.
Fika promotes a culture of openness and empathy. It allows employees to step away from their desks, enjoy a coffee, and have genuine, heartfelt conversations. It's not solely focused on work or performance but encourages talking about life, hobbies, or current events.
Fika in Line Management
Incorporating Fika into line management means fostering a culture that values personal relationships and mental wellbeing as much as work-related discussions. Instead of the usual formal setting, Fika encourages casual meetings that are less about assessing performance and more about understanding each other on a deeper level.
This approach helps break down hierarchical barriers, promoting a healthy culture and flat hierarchy structure. It encourages managers and employees to see each other as human beings, not just work roles. This understanding can significantly impact how they interact, solve problems, and work towards common goals.
Finding the Right Balance
While 1-2-1s and Fika serve different purposes, they both play a critical role in line management. 1-2-1s are essential for keeping the professional development on track, while Fika offers a way to nurture relationships and care for the wellbeing of employees.
It's not about choosing one over the other, but rather about understanding the unique benefits of each and incorporating them into the organization's culture. The right balance can create an environment that promotes professional growth, fosters healthy relationships, and ultimately drives organizational success.